
  • 英文缩写】 IABs
  • 英文全称】 International Association for Biologicals
  • 缩写分类生物科学
  • 中文意思】 国际生物学会
  • 缩写释义】 The IABs (International Association for Biologicals) is an independent, non-profit scientific organization which was founded in Lyons, France, in 1955 by a group of independent experts who identified an urgent need for an improvement in the quality and comparability of the data being exchanged between scientists working in the research, development, production, standardization and regulation of human and veterinary biological products. Towards this end, IABs acts as the major international forum for bringing together state controllers, manufacturers, academic research workers and public health organisations to develop a consensus on issues concerning the standardization and control of biological medicinal products for human and veterinary use such as vaccines and blood products.





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